Helen Green Design are proud to announce we have added our name to the list of signatories for Interior Design Declares.Interior Design declares signatories are unified in a collective voice advocating for real, urgent and fundamental change and a shared commitment to addressing the climate and biodiversity emergency. A network of Interior design practice's, suppliers, professional services and educational establishments developing links with a growing number of signatories across the world, to explore opportunities for cross-cultural exchanges and collaborations.Encouragement and progress is a key driver of the group, sharing resources, best practice and coordinated responses. Adopting and embedding the changemaker mindset within organisations while providing a constructive and supportive community. It is a journey of progress over perfection, strengthening working practices and partnerships.As a collective voice, Interior Design Declares will liaise with other industry-based organisations and networks with an aim to engage with government, clients and design media.Learn more about Interior Design Declares here and how you can get involved.IDD guiding principles:
- Raise awareness of the climate and biodiversity emergencies and the urgent need for action amongst our clients and supply chains.
- Advocate for faster change in our industry towards regenerative design practices and a higher Governmental funding priority to support this.
- Share knowledge and research to that end on an open source basis.
- Evaluate all new projects against the aspiration to contribute positively to mitigating climate breakdown, and encourage our clients to adopt this approach.
- Work towards including life cycle costing, whole life carbon modelling and post-occupancy evaluation as part of our basic scope of work, to reduce both embodied and operational resource use.
- Work with others in the construction industry to upgrade existing buildings for extended use as a more carbon-efficient alternative to demolition and new build whenever there is a viable choice.
- Act to address the disproportionate impact of these crises on disadvantaged communities and ensure that all mitigation and adaptation efforts address the needs of all people.
- Ensure diverse and inclusive principles are implemented in hiring and retaining staff so that people of all backgrounds can participate in decision-making about the future of the designed environment
- Request 3rd party certification or similar demonstration of environmental provenance and impact for each product specified.
- Adopt more regenerative design principles in our studios, with the aim of designing spaces which go beyond the standard of net-zero carbon, including the specification of ultra low energy appliances.
- Accelerate the shift to low embodied carbon materials in all our work. Seek to reuse and recycle products and materials at every available opportunity.
- Minimise wasteful use of resources in interior design, both in quantum and in detail. Collaborate with all members of the industry to further reduce construction and packaging waste.
We look forward to being an active member of this community, reaching out within our industry and driving real change.